Malaysian Based Financial Technology, Islamic Account Platform Meets Ncmf-Bmea
To Boost Islamic Investments In The Philippines
Memorandum of Cooperation Signing Ceremony
between IAP and NCMF during the Global Forum on Islamic Economics and Finance (GFIEF) 2024
"MOC to explore collaboration to forward Islamic fundraising and investments in the Philippines."
Governor's Keynote Address
at the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum 2023
"Value-Based Finance as Catalyst for Sustainable Growth and Development"
For this special edition of International Women's Month, we engaged with three industrious female entrepreneurs, Elain Lockman - Co-Founder and Director of Ata Plus, Karen Puah - Vice President of Fintech Association of Malaysia (FAOM), and Joann Enriquez - CEO of IAP Integrated
The platforms are offering young, innovative companies with the choice of raising funds through IAP's multibank platform and Equity Crowdfunding
The fundamentals of Islamic finance stem from the Quran. So much emphasis on the matter; highlighting its extreme importance and yet it has been taken lightly.
Salah satu contoh debt crowdfunding di Malaysia ialah Investment Account Platform (IAP), iaitu sebuah platform patuh syariah untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dari pelabur